UNT College of Business

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We hope that everyone enjoyed the much needed rain over the weekend. For those of us with lawns and trees, it was a much needed rain, and for those without lawns and trees, it was much needed break in the temperature.

Over the weekend, we received great news from the University of North Texas’s College of Business. They have highlighted us in one of their classes as a business case for excellence in customer service, and the professor has asked his students to visit Jovie Salon in person to experience such exceptional experience as part of their understanding for business.

Jovie Salon has always supported and promoted the arts and education in the community, and to be recognized by the College of Business has been a great honor for us. For those of you who are curious about the next step in your professional career, we strongly encourage you to check out the College of Business at UNT.

And to the students who will be coming in to visit us, we look forward to seeing you!


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